7 Job-Seekers Respond To The Federal Budget

7 Anti-Poverty Network SA members, all of them on JobSeeker, respond to Labor's announced $2.86 a day ($20 a week) raise to JobSeeker Payment.   Fi: “The raise is pitiful. It will barely make a dent in my living & health expenses. Nothing will realistically change for me. The cost of living continues to grow, … Continue reading 7 Job-Seekers Respond To The Federal Budget

What Is The Point Of “Mutual Obligation”?

"Mutual Obligations, what do they actually achieve? If the measure of success is getting a job, they haven't helped me achieve this. I need my Income Support payment, so do whatever is required, otherwise I'll be unable to pay my bills.Mutual implies input from both parties. My DES Provider is supposed to help me find … Continue reading What Is The Point Of “Mutual Obligation”?

My Uncensored Experience Of The DES System

"So, here is my uncensored experience of the DES (Disability Employment Services) system. I am in this stream, because I have chronic, incurable pain in my hip, due to having developed Perthes disease as a child. Perthes disease is rare, and the average person in the street has never heard of it. Neither has Centrelink, … Continue reading My Uncensored Experience Of The DES System